
I use projects as learning experiences, which should explain the breadth of technologies/principles on this page.

JSON Parser

Rust / Parsers

A JSON parser written in Rust. It is a simple parser that can validate and parse JSON strings.


Rust / Linux

The classic wc linux tool, built in Rust

Andrew Key Value Store

Distributed Systems

A distributed key-value store store that is based on the semantics of the Andrew File System developed at Carnegie Mellon University.



A Java 1.3 compiler written in C++. Complete scanning, parsing, static analysis, and code generation.


Distributed Systems

A distributed file system that is based on the upload/download model. Based on the upload/download model and timeout caching.


Fullstack Development

A rebuild of Music Sessions, with Next.js, tRPC, and MongoDB

Tiny Compiler


A tiny compiler written in Go. It compiles BASIC into C, and then into an executable.


Graph Algorithms

A web app that visualizes different graph search algorithms, such as BFS, DFS, Djikstra's and A* search.

Dubstep AI


A web app that integrates with spotify and allows you to generate amazing new playlists in three ways - by using one of your playlists as a reference, by writing a prompt, or by picking some moods and genres.


Cross Platform Application Development

A desktop time and task management tool. Smooth curves and light colors, allowing for a beatiful user experience.

Music Sessions

Fullstack Development

A collaborative queue that is integrated with Spotify. Login with your spotify, let your friends join the session through the session code, and queue music to jam together!

This Is Not A Newspaper


A way for you to read news in real time in a manner that is unchaotic, in comparison to the landing pages of most traditional news sources. In essence, this is a news aggregator.

Premier League Predictor

Data Science / Machine Learning

A machine learning project that uses data from 20 seasons of English Premier League to try and predict future results. Uses regression, gradient boosting, and neural networks. Photo retreived from



A parody of the famous internet game called 'Wordle', where you must correctly guess a sequence of different colored turds instead of letters.